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Home Defense Shotgun

The objective of this course is to cover the topics most relevant to home defense and the use of the shotgun as a defensive tool in that context including:

  • The realities of home defense

  • Selection/configuration of the defensive shotgun

  • Proper ammunition selection

  • Reliable loading and operation of the shotgun

  • Shooting technique and recoil management

  • Patterning

If time allows we will also discuss using the shotgun around corners/concealment/cover.

By the end of the course students will demonstrate competence in the handling, loading, and rapid, accurate use of the shotgun at common home defense distances.

Students will need 125 round of birdshot and, if you can find it, 25-50 rounds of buckshot, 10 of which should be premium such as Federal Flight Control. (Plus all the usual stuff you’d take for a day on the range.)NO STEEL SHOT ALLOWED

If you cannot find buckshot, we have modified the curriculum to allow you to use birdshot for the entire course.

Don’t have a shotgun? No problem! We have loaners available. It’s often better to get the training so you can make an informed purchase decision about the shotgun.

Later Event: October 23
Practical Revolver